Keith Parkinson

Upon Graduated from Kendall School of Design in 1980, Keith took a staff artist position at a company called Advertising Posters. TSR was the next stop. During a five-year stint as a TSR staff artist he contributed to a wide variety of projects. After the five years at TSR, Keith decided it was time to move on to a freelance career. He died in Oct 26, 2005.

While battling Leukemia for 16 months, Keith fought every step of the way and never gave up hope, but in the end it was more than his body could handle. He was an inspiration to everyone that knew him and he will be greatly missed. He was the most amazing man I have ever met in my life and am very thankful that he and I had the time we did together. It is time that I will cherish forever. Keith touched so many lives and it is important that we all remember his great spirit and how he loved life.

- Donna Parkinson


Keith Homepage


These image have been given written permission from Keith Parkinson to bee shown on my page.
© Keith Parkinson. All artwork copyrighted.